How To Access Hadoop System Counters Programmatically

I failed trying to find a source which listed the Counter Groups and Counter Names of all the Hadoop MapReduce system counters. So I compiled a list of them all.

List Of Hadoop System Counters

Below is a list of all the Hadoop System counters, along with the Counter Groups, and example values (from my own MapReduce application).

Counter Group: File System Counters (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter)

  • FILE: Number of bytes read: FILE_BYTES_READ: 176727
  • FILE: Number of bytes written: FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN: 611042
  • FILE: Number of read operations: FILE_READ_OPS: 0
  • FILE: Number of large read operations: FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS: 0
  • FILE: Number of write operations: FILE_WRITE_OPS: 0
  • HDFS: Number of bytes read: HDFS_BYTES_READ: 105677917
  • HDFS: Number of bytes written: HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN: 447
  • HDFS: Number of read operations: HDFS_READ_OPS: 6
  • HDFS: Number of large read operations: HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS: 0
  • HDFS: Number of write operations: HDFS_WRITE_OPS: 2

Counter Group: Job Counters (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobCounter)

  • Launched map tasks: TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS: 1
  • Launched reduce tasks: TOTAL_LAUNCHED_REDUCES: 1
  • Rack-local map tasks: RACK_LOCAL_MAPS: 1
  • Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms): SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS: 95592
  • Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms): SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES: 11064
  • Total time spent by all map tasks (ms): MILLIS_MAPS: 47796
  • Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms): MILLIS_REDUCES: 5532
  • Total vcore-seconds taken by all map tasks: VCORES_MILLIS_MAPS: 47796
  • Total vcore-seconds taken by all reduce tasks: VCORES_MILLIS_REDUCES: 5532
  • Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks: MB_MILLIS_MAPS: 73414656
  • Total megabyte-seconds taken by all reduce tasks: MB_MILLIS_REDUCES: 11329536

Counter Group: Map-Reduce Framework (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter)

  • Map input records: MAP_INPUT_RECORDS: 39129
  • Map output records: MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS: 32295
  • Map output bytes: MAP_OUTPUT_BYTES: 370059
  • Map output materialized bytes: MAP_OUTPUT_MATERIALIZED_BYTES: 176723
  • Input split bytes: SPLIT_RAW_BYTES: 139
  • Combine input records: COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS: 32295
  • Combine output records: COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS: 29495
  • Reduce input groups: REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS: 29495
  • Reduce shuffle bytes: REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES: 176723
  • Reduce input records: REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS: 29495
  • Reduce output records: REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS: 50
  • Spilled Records: SPILLED_RECORDS: 58990
  • Shuffled Maps : SHUFFLED_MAPS: 1
  • Failed Shuffles: FAILED_SHUFFLE: 0
  • Merged Map outputs: MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS: 1
  • GC time elapsed (ms): GC_TIME_MILLIS: 603
  • CPU time spent (ms): CPU_MILLISECONDS: 59310
  • Physical memory (bytes) snapshot: PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES: 1158512640
  • Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot: VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES: 6419664896
  • Total committed heap usage (bytes): COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES: 1595932672
  • Counter Group: Shuffle Errors (Shuffle Errors)
  • BAD_ID: BAD_ID: 0

Counter Group: File Input Format Counters (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormatCounter)

  • Bytes Read: BYTES_READ: 105677778

Counter Group: File Output Format Counters (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter)

  • Bytes Written: BYTES_WRITTEN: 447

Accessing the Counters

You can access a counter on a specific job using the following (you need the Counter Group, and the Counter Name):


Listing all the Counters

You can use the following code to list all the counters available for your job:

for (CounterGroup group : job.getCounters()) {
    System.out.println("* Counter Group: " + group.getDisplayName() + " (" + group.getName() + ")");
    System.out.println("  Number of counters in this group: " + group.size());
    for (Counter counter : group) {
        System.out.println("  - " + counter.getDisplayName() + ": " + counter.getName() + ": "+counter.getValue());

Hopefully someone finds this information useful!

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